Assigning and managing user licences

Assigning and revoking user licences

Everyone using Life QI is assigned a user licence when they join the platform. This is done at the point their account is verified. The person verifying their account has to confirm which subscription the user will be licensed from (there may only be one option). Once the account is verified and the licence has been assigned the user is entitled to use Life QI as much as they desire whilst they retain a valid user licence.

Should a user no longer require a user licence, perhaps temporarily whilst between projects, it can be revoked and assigned to someone else. This can be done by an admin user with responsibility for managing the subscription from which the user licence has been allocated. To revoke a user licence from a user, open their user record from the Users list, click the 'Actions' button near the top right of their record, and then click the and click the 'Revoke Licence' option. This will then 'free up' that user licence so it can be assigned to another user.

When an employee leaves your organisation, you can remove them as a member of your organisation and revoke their user licence, but please do not delete their user account. Their account can be reassigned to another organisation and a licence issued from them without the need to delete the account. Likewise their contact details can also be updated.

Read more about monitoring and tracking your user licences.

Revoking a Licence

  • Click Admin.
  • Click Users.
  • Click Users name.
  • Click Actions.
  • Click Revoke Licence.


You can also revoke a user licence from your Organisation's subscription page.

  • Select Admin.
  • Select Subscriptions.
  • Select your Organisation.
  • Select Users.
  • Select revoke at the end of the user's name.