Create a webpage shortcut

If you want to open up the Life QI login page from your desktop, you can create a shortcut to achieve that

There are a couple of ways to do this:

Create a shortcut option

This example uses Google Chrome as the browser.

  1. Navigate to the web page that you want your shortcut to take you to.
    1. e.g. -
  2. Select the three dots on the right hand side of the browser toolbar.
  3. Select More Tools.
  4. Select Create shortcut...
  5. Select Create. Your shortcut has now been created.

You can then drag and drop this shortcut to your desktop from the folder that it is now appearing in. This should create a shortcut with the Life QI logo. Double clicking the shortcut will open up the webpage. (16)


Drag and drop URL option

A simple way to create a shortcut is to drag and drop the URL from the browser, into your desktop.

  1. Navigate to the web page that you want your shortcut to take you to.
    1. e.g. -
  2. Select the padlock next to the URL and drag it to your desktop.
  3. Your shortcut has now been created.

Following this option will create a shortcut without the Life QI logo. Double clicking the shortcut will open up the webpage. (17)