Creating a PDSA ramp from an existing PDSA cycle
It is often necessary to run sequential iterations of a PDSA cycle to rapidly and incrementally refine your theory of change. These sequential iterations of related PDSA cycles make up a PDSA ramp. Ramps are typically used to take a very small scale test and incrementally build on it with follow up tests, larger scale tests of change and eventually the implementation of changes.
You can create a PDSA ramp from an existing PDSA cycle as follows:
- On the PDSA page of your project, click on the PDSA ramp to open it.
- Click on the Actions button and click + New cycle
- A popup will open and allow you to give this cycle a specific title, and adapt the details that have been pulled through from the previous cycle that you new cycle is based on.
- Once you have filled out the relevant fields, click 'Create PDSA cycle' at the bottom of the popup.
- Your new PDSA cycle will then display. Each PDSA cycle icon represents an iteration of the PDSA, and together they make up the ramp. To view a previous PDSA cycle, click the Actions button and select previous cycles.