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  2. Training Guides

Admin Training

Being a Life QI administrator is a key role for any organisation. You will have an advanced level of access to the platform and act as the central point of contact for your organisation's users.

Life QI administrators have access to the areas of the platform that 'general' users will not have. With this increased access, comes increased responsibility!

In this section we will run through your key administrator tasks and how you can support your colleagues to best use Life QI.


Things to do first

There are few things that you can do to help familiarise yourself with the system and understand how to get further advice and guidance if needed.

The Life QI Help Centre provides a wealth of material (over 100 articles) on how to use all aspects of the system, from basic ‘how to guides’ to more in-depth pieces describing various aspects of the model for improvement.

Ensure that your colleagues know how to access this and also that we have 'Live Chat' available through the system to support anyone who is using the system - this will be the quickest way to get in touch with us here at the Life QI support team!

Read about how to contact the Life QI support team.


Administrator operational tasks

Being the Life QI administrator for your organisation means that you will undoubtedly act as the central point of contact for your users within your organisation.

It will be your responsibility to verify user accounts, manage your licences and your organisations profile.

The below articles will detail these key administrator tasks in more detail:

  1. Verifying new user accounts
  2. Managing your organisations profile
  3. Assigning and managing user licences
  4. Setting up and managing subscriptions


Administrator support tasks

You may find that you will be asked questions regarding the use of the system and to demonstrate the activity of users within the platform.

The below articles will details the steps to achieve these in more detail:

  1. Controlling members permissions
  2. Adding other admin users
  3. Exporting user details
  4. Adding and finding organisations
  5. Listing your organisations QI details on Life QI